Patio stones are generally used for landscaping. However, they may be used for other applications.
Patio stones may be used for waterproofing ground and basements alike. Patio stones installed around a perimeter of a structure along with some gravel prevents water penetration through the soil into the concrete retaining walls. Should there be a leak in these walls, it usually results in water rushing in from outside. Some concrete foundation walls even absorb moisture without any cracks or leaks. Interlocking patio stones are arranged in a way with some steepness to provide a slope for rain and gutter water to move away from the property rather than into the basement. They are also used in gardens and backyards for flood control. Excessive rainwater builds up and results into a backyard full of muddy soil. Even passages are not spared from excess mud. Installing patio stones in these areas of the property usually results in less water accumulation, better property outlook and increased real estate values. Patio stones alongside concrete also remove the need for lawn mowing and weed removal. Some contractors even lay underlayment to prevent weeding near patio stones!
To install these stones, aggregate or gravel is spread over compacted soil. This aggregate is then covered with sand beds to provide a levelled base for patio stones. Some even prefer topsoil mix for grass and ground cover as a patio base level er. A hardware piece may also be used as an alternative patio stone level er especially near driveway, sidewalks, and stairs where chances of falling over the stone are high.
Hence, patio stones have extensive application and installation method is relatively simple. One of the issues with patio stones is that they are heavy and break easily during transportation. They may also damage your regular four-door vehicle. The solution to this problem is cargo vans which are readily available at many garden centres and home improvement stores.